Monday, Sep. 23, 2024

Plenary Session 5F China Hall 2

Tuesday, Sep. 24, 2024

Plenary Session 5F China Hall 2

Parallel 1: Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics   5F Qin Hall

Parallel 2: Hadrons and related high-energy physics   5F China Hall 2

Parallel 4: Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics   5F China Hall 3

Parallel 7: Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques  5F Han Hall

Wednesday, Sep. 25, 2024

Parallel 1: Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics  5F Qin Hall

Parallel 2: Hadrons and related high-energy physics 5F China Hall 2

Parallel 5: Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches  5F China Hall 3

Parallel 7: Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques  5F Han Hall

Thursday, Sep. 26, 2024

Parallel 2: Hadrons and related high-energy physic 5F China Hall 2

Parallel 3: Neutrinos and their interactions with matter  5F Qin Hall

Parallel 5: Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches  5F China Hall 3

Parallel 6: Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics  5F Han Hall

Friday, Sep. 27, 2024

Plenary Session 5F China Hall 2

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