Welcome Message

The 23rd International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB23) will be held in Beijing, China on September 22-27, 2024, with Sept. 22 for registration.  The registration website is  https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/21083/registrations/1689/

This is the 23rd edition in the conference series which began in 1959 in London and was most recently held in Caen (2018) and Chicago (2015). The FB23 was originally scheduled in 2021 which was postphoned due to the pandemic. 

The subjects to be covered will include:

Ø  Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics

Ø  Hadrons and related high-energy physics

Ø  Neutrinos and their interactions with matter

Ø  Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics

Ø  Few-nucleon systems, including QCD inspired approaches

Ø  Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics

Ø  Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques


In addition to plenary and parallel sessions, a dedicated poster session will be organized.  Keynote speakers will be encouraged to make their talks accessible to the entire community.  All invited and contributed presentations, including posters, will be included in the conference proceedings.


As the conference is supported in part by the IUPAP, FB23 will be conducted in accordance with IUPAP principles. In particular, no bona fide scientists will be excluded from participation on the grounds of national origin, nationality, or political considerations unrelated to sciences.


FB23 will also be the venue for the presentation of the Faddeev Medal, which has recently been established jointly by the European (ERCFBP) and American (GFB) few-body communities. The 2024 edition of the award will include a formal announcement of the winner of the medal and   a presentation by the winner at a dedicated session.

Following the tradition the FB23 will cover a broad range of topics - in both theory and experiment - with the aim of bringing together diverse communities to generate and share brilliant ideas in few-body physics.



Following the tradition of the FB conference series, the Proceedings will be published by journal.  The relevant information on submission procedures will be published later on the Proceedings page of this website.

Guide to Payment Services in China.pdf

How to access to Wanda.pdf

Suggested Tour for Wednesday Afternoon

1、Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass 

2、Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City

3、Summer Palace

4、Temple of Heaven

5、Shichahai Hutong Area

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