Shichahai Hutong Area

Timing for your reference only

13:30-14:30   Transfer to the Hutong area
14:30-15:00   Visit Hutong area (try the rickshaw along the lake)
15:00-15:15   Walk to the Drum Tower through Yandai Alley
15:15-15:45   Visit the Drum Tower & Bell Tower 


A Hutong is a unique form of community that exists only in China. The Hutong, built during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, is the narrow network of lanes created by closely built quadrangular homes. The houses and courtyards, hidden away and boxed, are closed off with wooden gates with carved characters intended to bring good fortune to the house owner. Taking a rickshaw tour through the Hutong will give you the opportunity to experience the different aspects of the past and the present of Beijing city, the society and the daily life.

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